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  • Uncrowned Guard
    Uncrowned Guard

    Payday 3's Offline Mode: What You Need to Know About Solo Mode and Its Online Requirements

      TL;DR: Starbreeze Entertainment adds a Solo Mode Beta to Payday 3, aiming to pivot from its online-only format amid criticisms. However, this feature still requires internet connectivity, with promised offline upgrades in the future. The mode demands significant local processing, potentially impacting performance, but allows for progression rewards once online again. The update, launching alongside the Boys in Blue update on June 27, 2024, also includes new content such as a playable character and additional weapons. Payday 3's rocky launch in September 2023 and server issues resulted in apologies from the CEO, leading to a decline in player numbers shown starkly by recent SteamDB stats.

    The Addition of "Offline Mode" in Payday 3

    Starbreeze Entertainment, the developer behind Payday 3, has added a new feature aimed at addressing criticism of its online-only format. Termed the Solo Mode Beta, this addition represents an initial step towards including a legitimate offline playing mode to the game.

    However, the current incarnation of the Solo Mode Beta doesn't entirely fulfill its offline promises yet. In its existing format, players need to be connected to the internet to access it and can only receive progression rewards once they reconnect. Starbreeze plans to refine this feature over time, gradually morphing it into a truly offline mode. According to Almir Listo, head of community and global brand director, "You will still be required to start the game while online in Solo Mode, which will be improved once we improve this feature."

    Solo Mode Beta's Performance and Upcoming Updates

    Due to the need to run parts of the game usually managed by the developer's servers on player's hardware, Starbreeze expects the performance of the Solo Mode Beta to be somewhat impaired. Despite these limitations, Listo confirms that players will be able to use and gain progression, even if updates only occur when they return online.

    Starbreeze plans to introduce the Solo Mode Beta as part of a larger set of updates coinciding with the Boys in Blue update, scheduled for release on June 27, 2024. The update includes the addition of a new playable character, weapons, and more.

    A Lookback at Payday 3's Rocky Release and Player Stats

    Payday 3 experienced a tumultuous debut in September 2023, marked by significant server issues that warranted public apologies by then CEO of Starbreeze, Tobias Sjögren. The developer's lack of effective communication caused further dismay among players and critics alike, which led to additional apologies and further negative spotlight.

    Despite boasting of having 3.1 million players as of October 2, 2023, Payday 3's popularity appears to have dwindled. According to data on SteamDB, the 24-hour peak of active players in Payday 3 was under 600, compared to a substantial count of over 21,000 for Payday 2, a game which launched over ten years ago. These comparisons further highlight the challenges Starbreeze will need to overcome to regain the trust and enthusiasm of its player base.

    Image Credit: Starbreeze Entertainment

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